I think that the tips for teaching writing with CALL mentioned in chapter 4 of the CALL textbook were very useful especially the one that suggests teaching students how to benefit from interactive help and feedback from the computer. I believe that teaching students through CALL writing activities such as blogs can encourage them to continue writing outside the classroom (bigger audience).
In “Writing to mean: Computer-mediated feedback in online tutoring of multidraft compositions” article, I truly agree with the author that teachers should be focusing on the question-form comments because I really think that this strategy will push students to be independent learners.
As far as the question posed in “Can learners use concordance feedback for writing errors?” article is concerned, I think that if concordances can help students in correcting vocabulary and grammar, then why not use it? But I think that students cannot depend on it for content and development of supportive ideas. So, they can use it for a specific purpose but they will still need their teacher’s guidance and feedback.
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2 years ago